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John Sparkman

John Sparkman liked the comment on The Meeting Place

The Meat Place. ......Read more
John Sparkman

John Sparkman became friends with David " DMC " McCain

David " DMC " McCain
John Sparkman

John Sparkman posted a comment on the group The Meeting Place

Dweezil, I was doing yard work the other day, and was struck with a great idea. What if your next project was a covers album of Carol King songs?You could get of photo of yourself for the album cover, seated on a window sill......Read more
John Sparkman

John Sparkman posted a comment on the group The Meeting Place

Hey, hello, hooray. New guy from Harvest, Alabama. Rock on, great site, great people!!......Read more
John Sparkman

John Sparkman joined the group The Meeting Place

John Sparkman

John Sparkman completed his profile

John Sparkman

John Sparkman updated his profile
