Donald Trump (Bobby Brown)

This was done in 2016, unfortunately still relevant.

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JeffS...... (Uncle Meat)

Watch me now while I take a Dump! Oh! Ha, Ha, Ha...    Tell it like it is

Maximus Laughinholer

....and Zappa Senior wasnt having to worry about trannies imposing on his band backstage after sets---thats one dangerous gobblygoo.  .....and Zappa Senior didnt have to listen to libs try and redefine gender and hatch pronouns out of their oh so very delicate asses  .....and Zappa Senior didnt have to listen to a shart post like that Bobby Brown horseshit either.  Dweeze, for what its worth, keep outta politics unless you can handle the heat it can generate.  Times have changed.  Arguably your dad didnt like Republicans but he would not appreciate Biden and his bowel of a movement either.  Just ask Ahmet

Dennis F.

Hey FuckFace Donald R - I'm not ashamed to hate a dangerous hate filled trump just like I hate somebody like hitler. Or somebody like you, you hate filled MAGAT. Go eff youself coz I'm sure nobody else will.

David McCain

It doesn't matter if it's voters celebrating Trump or Bush or Bush Jr. or Nixon: Frank's feelings on Republicans are CRYSTAL CLEAR. 


Now, back to the music. . . .

Dennis F.

Frank called it decades ago. The so- called Christians are ruining the US.

Dennis F.

Yeah, your lyrics are ok. I hate trump, just like he hates us and everybody else, including MAGAs, so anything anti-trump is ok with me.

Donald R.

You should be ashamed. Hate? You HATE Trump? Frank didn’t hate anyone. Sad   I’ll pray for your soul 

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