I also just noticed that my version of Cheepnis contains the rest of the album :-( When I saw it was 35min I was was hoping for an Epic version, but alas...
Dweezil, thank you so much for getting the album up. It has made my Sunday morning so wonderful (c'mon... tell us now, Dweez... what are you ON? ;-) ). Just FYI, since I figured you'd like to know, the mastering on The Black Page (Solo) and The Black Page #2 are not up to the levels of the rest of the tracks. Probably an easy fix :-) The 50/50 solos were a particular highlight for me, well done, y'all. Much Love, SRM
Awesome Dweezil !!! Can you provide the band line-up for your daring Kn'Evil like episode? Looks like some new members since I saw you last (pre-covid concert a few years back) ~Music is the best !
I got a new modem and things started working better. All the files should be populated now. The video will be embedded above in the album description shortly as well. The video will be visible for Silver Subscribers and Dweezil Kn'Evil Bundle owners. The audio streaming is included both of those packages as well. If you purchased the album it is available for streaming and download.
Also I have great news, the Reward Music/dweezilzappa.com team is almost ready to launch the new playlist and bucket option on the site. It will allow all community members to organize their favorite music content from my site and play it as they wish. More details to follow soon!
Sorry for the confusion. Indeed there are files missing. They have been in the process of uploading and keep getting stuck. The dreaded spinning wheel of doom. I'm working right now to solve the problem. Something is going on with my internet service. I've been on the phone with Spectrum to see if there is an unreported outage in my area or some issue that they can resolve. Troubleshooting the equipment as well. I'm on the case or as my dad would say, "I'm on duty." I think I'm going to buy a new modem and see if that helps. Thanks for your patience.
Sorry for the confusion. Indeed there are files missing. They have been in the process of uploading and keep getting stuck. The dreaded spinning wheel of doom. I'm working right now to solve the problem. Something is going on with my internet service. I've been on the phone with Spectrum to see if there is an unreported outage in my area or some issue that they can resolve. Troubleshooting the equipment as well. I'm on the case or as my dad would say, "I'm on duty." Thanks for your patience.
I think we're still waiting on 15-32, but yes, 1-14 came through. In my unzip, "Call Any Vegetable" was mislabeled as "TTELL ME YOU LOVE ME DK MASTER 02", but the audio was fine as far as I could tell.
Sorry about all of the glitches today. Some of the audio files didn't upload properly because of the slow internet timing out. I'll be sure to get them up and running ASAP.
My internet is very slow at the moment so adding large amounts of files all at once is causing a few issues. The files should start populating soon. Extra wait time provided by Spectrum at no extra cost... actually I do pay extra for faster internet speeds...hmmm
Weird! I'll double-check that file. Thanks!
Somehow I selected the wrong file when uploading. All fixed now. If you find any other weird issues please let me know. Thanks!
I also just noticed that my version of Cheepnis contains the rest of the album :-( When I saw it was 35min I was was hoping for an Epic version, but alas...
Dweezil, thank you so much for getting the album up. It has made my Sunday morning so wonderful (c'mon... tell us now, Dweez... what are you ON? ;-) ). Just FYI, since I figured you'd like to know, the mastering on The Black Page (Solo) and The Black Page #2 are not up to the levels of the rest of the tracks. Probably an easy fix :-) The 50/50 solos were a particular highlight for me, well done, y'all. Much Love, SRM
the results are fantastic !!!!!!!!perfect mix and performances....
Glad you're enjoying it!
Awesome Dweezil !!! Can you provide the band line-up for your daring Kn'Evil like episode? Looks like some new members since I saw you last (pre-covid concert a few years back) ~Music is the best !
I'm adding some liner notes today.
This is a masterpiece, Dweezil!
THANX AGAIN !!!!!!making this available for real die hard fans is so welcome right now !!!!!
I got a new modem and things started working better. All the files should be populated now. The video will be embedded above in the album description shortly as well. The video will be visible for Silver Subscribers and Dweezil Kn'Evil Bundle owners. The audio streaming is included both of those packages as well. If you purchased the album it is available for streaming and download.
Also I have great news, the Reward Music/dweezilzappa.com team is almost ready to launch the new playlist and bucket option on the site. It will allow all community members to organize their favorite music content from my site and play it as they wish. More details to follow soon!
A very big thank you for this show. Have a great sunday and hope to meet you on the road soon. I will be in LA sometime this fall
Outstanding, even with the minor confusion.
Omg! Dweezil sounds so good. I can’t wait to see the video.
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for the confusion. Indeed there are files missing. They have been in the process of uploading and keep getting stuck. The dreaded spinning wheel of doom. I'm working right now to solve the problem. Something is going on with my internet service. I've been on the phone with Spectrum to see if there is an unreported outage in my area or some issue that they can resolve. Troubleshooting the equipment as well. I'm on the case or as my dad would say, "I'm on duty." I think I'm going to buy a new modem and see if that helps. Thanks for your patience.
take your time and thanx for the care in the quality control!!!!
Appreciate the update.
Don't worry. T'is looking better!
Also, Spencer M. noted the mislabel for "Call Any Vegetable," I'll fix that too!
**"Call Any Vegetable" is now labeled correctly!
It sound so good so far all the songs. Thank you for giving us this wonderful show. Florentine Pogen i love it !
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for the confusion. Indeed there are files missing. They have been in the process of uploading and keep getting stuck. The dreaded spinning wheel of doom. I'm working right now to solve the problem. Something is going on with my internet service. I've been on the phone with Spectrum to see if there is an unreported outage in my area or some issue that they can resolve. Troubleshooting the equipment as well. I'm on the case or as my dad would say, "I'm on duty." Thanks for your patience.
The files available for download stop at #14, right? So 15--21 are still in the pipeline, correct? I selected "all" but got 1--14.
I think we're still waiting on 15-32, but yes, 1-14 came through. In my unzip, "Call Any Vegetable" was mislabeled as "TTELL ME YOU LOVE ME DK MASTER 02", but the audio was fine as far as I could tell.
Thank you Spencer!
"Video footage of the actual concert will be available as FREE streaming content to all Silver Subscribers."
I take it that all of the audio is not free to subscribers. Am I right?
Sorry about all of the glitches today. Some of the audio files didn't upload properly because of the slow internet timing out. I'll be sure to get them up and running ASAP.
So the tracks have finally started populating but for some reason they aren’t in the proper order. I’ll get that all sorted ASAP.
Looks like video Is hung up in internet limbo too. That file is very large. Thanks for your patience. I hope you enjoy the show!!!
This is goona be so much fun to hear all this. I hope there will be a possibillity of tour soon
Ohhhh, the excitement!
My internet is very slow at the moment so adding large amounts of files all at once is causing a few issues. The files should start populating soon. Extra wait time provided by Spectrum at no extra cost... actually I do pay extra for faster internet speeds...hmmm
It is time that the infratructure bill is passed
well worth the wait my friend !!!!!