Just a comment for the part of the podcast where you talked about the lyrics for the song 5150. The song lyrics for 5150 are actually impressive! - they are a play on the numbers in the name. Either 5150 started off as a working song title, or if Sammy just wanted to use the 5150 as a name, since it is the album title and Eddy’s studio name. Instead of a song about a crazy person (5150 being the police code for a crazy person)– Sammy broke down the numbers 51 and 50. An even split is 50-50 … so this I a song about selfish person wanting more. 51 being one more than 50 – (…always one more, your never satisfied) I was always impressed on the song lyrics for this song .
Hello Dweezil. Thank you for the continued great content. I’m having a problem with this first episode of the RHRN. I only get 16:39 of you and Mark L. it just stops. I’ve tried refreshing, logging out and back in and then I waited over night to try again. Still the same. I even restarted my phone. many help would be greatly appreciated. cheers. JPP
Please make sure you are listening from the correct bundle player. Do you have the 5150 bundle or the Right Here, Right Now bundle? The full episode will only play from the location of your purchased bundle. If you are still having problems after troubleshooting that, please let me know. Thanks, DZ
I think I’m in No Man’s Land. I initially purchased the Early Years bundle, then a while back you mentioned that we could purchase the silver plan subscription and that would get us the RHRN content as well so I did that. I have tried in both the 5150 bundle and the RHRN bundle. Both give me only 16:39.
Please tell me you've heard from the support team and things are resolved for you now. I've asked them to get you sorted and I wanted to make sure they took care of it. Best, DZ
Yes. All is sorted. Thank you. I listened this morning. Loved it. 5150 is really favorite track off this album for me. I ended up writing a tune that was inspired by learning the intro and those suspensions and inversions. I then went back to my fave episodes with Blues. I think these should be sub titled “Squips and Dunkets in a Paper Bag with Blues parts I & II.
It's 5150 time! I've just uploaded the premiere episode to the Right Here, Right Now bundle player. The 5150 bundle player is uploading as I write. I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy the season premiere episode with Mark Lettieri.
Thanks for the sharing the premier and more importantly thanks for introducing me to Mark Lettieri! I've been listening to his fantastic jams and love it!
Dear Dweezil, Thank you for the great work. I have really enjoyed your series about Edward Van Halen. If possible, might you be able to interview Tom Weber, Eddie's guitar tech. I bet he has information that many of us guitar geeks would love to hear. All the best to you and yours.
Ok - is today the day? Is it…. 5150 time? In the time between the last podcast and now, Sammy’s started 7 businesses, sold 4 of them, done 437 media interviews, built an addition to his Cabo home, fired 3 accountants, caught and trained 2 wild Mustangs, and completed a valve-job on his favorite Ferrari. Looking forward to more Dweezil - Best podcast ever! Cheers.
LOL, Sammy's been busy! I have too! There's been an issue with some track bleed (annoying delay as a result - induced by zoom recording) which has required a lot of tedious edits to correct for your listening pleasure. It's lust lil' ol me here doing the edits. My plan is to release the episode for the 4th of July so we can kick of the new season with a BANG!
wsup DZ how's thing's any update on the start of the next epic broadcast of the Right Here Right Now episodes Im jonesing for a VH Fix and your episodes is what the doctor ordered and I need my meds, lol, Playing with my Van Halen is like playing with my emotions.✌Brotha, Hey was talking to Andrew Bennet he was telling me you got the book he put out Eruption in the Canyon, how blessed was he to get tapped for that gig? The vid footage he has is probabaly the best footage inside the 5150 studio and his only video post of "Its about time" Ed seem to be in the zone the beginng of that song was so METAL sounding I thought wow isnt that special and the moment EVH was leaving and Sam's like "hey where you goin" to that Eds response was "Im out Its time for you to sing Bitch" was....I dont know what I think about that other than OH NO HE DIDNT, But HE DID, whoa..well hope all is well with you and yours and I cant wait for RHRN to start. Aloha Brah
I'm still working on the premier episode of "Right Here, Right Now" featuring Mark Lettieri discussing 5150. It's coming along nicely but there's been a lot of other things happening all at the same time so it's been tough to complete it.
With construction at my house, surgery on my dog, and family life as well, it's taking a little more time to get the episode finished. I'll be updating everyone soon with the projected release date. for next week.
The good news is that I have completed 80 percent of the interviews at this time. I just recorded John Shanks discussing his role as the producer for Van Halen's final studio album. Hope you have a great weekend. DZ
I'm working on the premiere episode right now! Mark Lettieri is my guest and we discuss 5150. I'm trying to get it finished for a Thursday release next week. I'll keep everyone posted. Best, DZ
We are in production on episodes that span the VH catalog. The later year episodes aren't completed yet. I spoke with Joe Satriani last week about the F.U.C.K. album and haven't started editing it yet.
So the short answer is, yes we are releasing episodes in the order tin which the albums were released. If and when we can make some good progress on multiple episodes at once, then we will be able to consider adding episodes tot he Right Here, Right Now bundle.
Just a comment for the part of the podcast where you talked about the lyrics for the song 5150. The song lyrics for 5150 are actually impressive! - they are a play on the numbers in the name. Either 5150 started off as a working song title, or if Sammy just wanted to use the 5150 as a name, since it is the album title and Eddy’s studio name. Instead of a song about a crazy person (5150 being the police code for a crazy person)– Sammy broke down the numbers 51 and 50. An even split is 50-50 … so this I a song about selfish person wanting more. 51 being one more than 50 – (…always one more, your never satisfied) I was always impressed on the song lyrics for this song .
Thanks! I don't think I ever even looked at the lyrics for the song. The only part I could ever recall was "I'll meet you half the way."
Hello Dweezil. Thank you for the continued great content.
I’m having a problem with this first episode of the RHRN. I only get 16:39 of you and Mark L.
it just stops. I’ve tried refreshing, logging out and back in and then I waited over night to try again. Still the same. I even restarted my phone.
many help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Jay,
Please make sure you are listening from the correct bundle player. Do you have the 5150 bundle or the Right Here, Right Now bundle? The full episode will only play from the location of your purchased bundle. If you are still having problems after troubleshooting that, please let me know. Thanks, DZ
I think I’m in No Man’s Land. I initially purchased the Early Years bundle, then a while back you mentioned that we could purchase the silver plan subscription and that would get us the RHRN content as well so I did that.
I have tried in both the 5150 bundle and the RHRN bundle. Both give me only 16:39.
Ok, I'm sure we can solve the issue. Let me get itt sorted for you. Hold tight! Best, DZ
Thank you!
I understand that being a one man show get challenging.
Hello Dweezil.
Any possible solution yet for my situation yet?
Hi Jay,
Please tell me you've heard from the support team and things are resolved for you now. I've asked them to get you sorted and I wanted to make sure they took care of it. Best, DZ
Yes. All is sorted. Thank you.
I listened this morning. Loved it.
5150 is really favorite track off this album for me. I ended up writing a tune that was inspired by learning the intro and those suspensions and inversions.
I then went back to my fave episodes with Blues. I think these should be sub titled “Squips and Dunkets in a Paper Bag with Blues parts I & II.
Loving the new episode! There's some standard tuning on 1984 if I'm not mistaken so there was a precedent for the change on 5150
Hey Everyone,
It's 5150 time! I've just uploaded the premiere episode to the Right Here, Right Now bundle player. The 5150 bundle player is uploading as I write. I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy the season premiere episode with Mark Lettieri.
Thanks for the sharing the premier and more importantly thanks for introducing me to Mark Lettieri! I've been listening to his fantastic jams and love it!
Thank you for all of these.
Dear Dweezil, Thank you for the great work. I have really enjoyed your series about Edward Van Halen. If possible, might you be able to interview Tom Weber, Eddie's guitar tech. I bet he has information that many of us guitar geeks would love to hear. All the best to you and yours.
Just wondering when RHRN is gonna begin....no pressure
What time?
5149 apparently ;) -- Don't worry D. -- we got your back!
Ok - is today the day? Is it…. 5150 time? In the time between the last podcast and now, Sammy’s started 7 businesses, sold 4 of them, done 437 media interviews, built an addition to his Cabo home, fired 3 accountants, caught and trained 2 wild Mustangs, and completed a valve-job on his favorite Ferrari. Looking forward to more Dweezil - Best podcast ever! Cheers.
Hi Robert,
LOL, Sammy's been busy! I have too! There's been an issue with some track bleed (annoying delay as a result - induced by zoom recording) which has required a lot of tedious edits to correct for your listening pleasure. It's lust lil' ol me here doing the edits. My plan is to release the episode for the 4th of July so we can kick of the new season with a BANG!
wsup DZ how's thing's any update on the start of the next epic broadcast of the Right Here Right Now episodes Im jonesing for a VH Fix and your episodes is what the doctor ordered and I need my meds, lol, Playing with my Van Halen is like playing with my emotions.✌Brotha, Hey was talking to Andrew Bennet he was telling me you got the book he put out Eruption in the Canyon, how blessed was he to get tapped for that gig? The vid footage he has is probabaly the best footage inside the 5150 studio and his only video post of "Its about time" Ed seem to be in the zone the beginng of that song was so METAL sounding I thought wow isnt that special and the moment EVH was leaving and Sam's like "hey where you goin" to that Eds response was "Im out Its time for you to sing Bitch" was....I dont know what I think about that other than OH NO HE DIDNT, But HE DID, whoa..well hope all is well with you and yours and I cant wait for RHRN to start. Aloha Brah
Hi Mark,
I'm still working on the premier episode of "Right Here, Right Now" featuring Mark Lettieri discussing 5150. It's coming along nicely but there's been a lot of other things happening all at the same time so it's been tough to complete it.
With construction at my house, surgery on my dog, and family life as well, it's taking a little more time to get the episode finished. I'll be updating everyone soon with the projected release date. for next week.
The good news is that I have completed 80 percent of the interviews at this time. I just recorded John Shanks discussing his role as the producer for Van Halen's final studio album. Hope you have a great weekend. DZ
Hey all,
Does anyone know of an anticipated release date for Right Here, Right Now? Pumped for this one!
Hi Shem,
I'm working on the premiere episode right now! Mark Lettieri is my guest and we discuss 5150. I'm trying to get it finished for a Thursday release next week. I'll keep everyone posted. Best, DZ
been buying early years ala carte but I am sold and just bought Right Here Right Now , I fucking love it , the music, the insight, and the DWEEZ!!!
Just brought the “Right here right now package ‘ can’t wait for it to be released.
Just curious are you doing all the album's in order or is the 2 different eras going up side by side
Hi Tyler,
We are in production on episodes that span the VH catalog. The later year episodes aren't completed yet. I spoke with Joe Satriani last week about the F.U.C.K. album and haven't started editing it yet.
So the short answer is, yes we are releasing episodes in the order tin which the albums were released. If and when we can make some good progress on multiple episodes at once, then we will be able to consider adding episodes tot he Right Here, Right Now bundle.
Hope that helps.
Happy Holidays! DZ
I'm aiming toward the whole enchilada, myself. Looks like a killer package.
The whole thing is months in the making and we are working hard to make it special for everyone.
Great stuff! Would be nice to see the two of you on stage sharing licks! Again!