
RWTD Ep -17 Andy Wood Balance and Ep-18 Blues Saraceno + James Santiago VH III are both available now. I'm working on the next episode this week.

Tim O.

Hey Dweezil,  Thanks for the e-mailed update.  Stuff happens, and I assure you, the content and conversation are so good that the frustration of the wait is out of being super excited for the next episodes.  We have so much already.

Keep plugging away.  Cheers


I'm calling this second half a bust. Refund?

Tim O.

Hello Dweezil,

Any new episodes coming soon?



Matt Blatchley

ok..I turned 21 during this album's (F.U.C.K.) run...saw them twice in concert that year...needless to say this is very evocative of a lot of good times and memories...

Daniel C.

A couple of cool notes on the recording of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge; two Soldano SLO-100 amps were used for a lot of the tracks and a prototype Custom Audio Electronics 3+ preamp into a Marshall Plexi for a power amp, built by John Suhr, was used for Spanked and The Dream Is Over. On Pleasure Dome the trans-trem guitar was a prototype signature Steinberger built for him by Ned Steinberger when Ed was considering those guitars for his signature line, pre EBMM. You can see them in Larry DiMarzios "remembering Eddie Van Halen" pdf on pages 12 and 14 https://d2emr0qhzqfj88.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/2021-02/DiMarzio_RememberingVanHalen.pdf


Hey Everyone, It's finally here!!! Part 2. I hope you enjoy it.

Kidus M.

So excited to finally listen Dweezil!!! 

Edward G.

It’s funny, I’ve seen Joe on several YouTube shows over the last couple of years & his internet connection always seems bad. My man Joe’s got to spring for some more bandwidth! Love the episodes & looking forward to Joe part 2 & also Andy Wood for the Balance album. You can tell from Andy’s YT page that he’s a big EVH fan, and he’s a killer player as well. 


Dweezil, love you and the series. However, I think the ball has been dropped. Next time, I will wait for you to have the product finished before I pay.

Luru L.



Hi Ryan,

I totally understand your point of view and I can see where you and Luru L are coming from. You're right to be disappointed in the delays. It certainly has been a problem and I truly have been working hard to create a solution for the remaining episodes. I'm sure it is clear that the subject matter is important to me so I do not want to cut any corners on the content. It does need to be completed far more quickly and I realize that. As I mentioned in a comment further down, there will soon be some information available that will likely shine a light on some of the gridlock. For now, all I can say is that there is some very good news on the way.


Hey Everyone,

I'm uploading the Joe Satriani episode right now. It will be available for you to listen to in a little while. I'm sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy it and have a great holiday!

Tucker C.

Totally worth the wait. Thank you for this awesome Xmas present! Happy Holiday to you and yours.

Tim O.

All I want for Christmas is…

Mark Guerra

This wait is a killer............................................ Give us a little taste



Season 2, DOA?


Hi Ryan,

I know there's been a long wait for the next episodes. The Joe Satriani episode has been a struggle because of audio issues. I've been working on the episode for the past few months. When the episode airs it will be obvious that there are some areas where the audio is slightly marred by bad internet connection. I didn't want the episode tto marred overall so I have taken great care to restore what can be restored and provide the best episode possible. Getting it finished asap is my top priority at this time. Thank you for you patience.

Luru L.

Hi! Is there any info on when the next episode will be airing?



Mark Guerra

wondering when the next episode drops , thought for sure by now but ...I know great stuff takes time.


Daniel C.

Interesting note about the low string on "Good Enough" he had the same thing for the Track " I Want Some Action" which didn't make the 5150 album


This song would later become "Twist the Knife" on the Steve Lukather solo album "Lukather", with EVH on Bass. 


I recall an interview with Lukather where he mentioned that for that recording Ed took Lukes guitar and replaced the low E with a Bass "g" string tuned to "G" (maybe it was tuned to A..? not sure I remember the interview that specifically)) and then tuned the entire guitar Up a whole step. I don't know how much of that is accurate but I am sure Lukather must remember some of it... :)


Rob G

IMO OU812 has several classic Van Hagar songs on it. It's a bit ironic (don't you think?) of James Valentine to criticize VH for writing more commercial keyboard based songs, when Maroon 5 (who began as a rock band), pandered to their singer's desire to chase the hip-hop/pop autotune crowd to such an extent, that it resulted in James hardly playing any guitar on the songs and the live instruments being replaced. In his defense he admitted as much during the episode. I do agree that several of the tunes on OU812 could have had much better lyrics, but for me there is still some killer playing by Ed and Al on there. If you haven't watched it recently, revisit the Tokyo Dome show from 1989, the band sounds so good! Sammy's live vocals were amazing then too, they wavered a bit on the subsequent tours.

Charlie  A.

When is OU812 going to be available? Thanks 


Hi Charlie,

I'm working on it. Hoping to get it finished very soon!

Charlie  A.

Thank you!

Rob G

Hi Dweezil, 5150 was the first VH album I heard as a teenager, so it will always be special for me for that reason. Obviously I went back and became a huge fan of the Roth-era too, Fair Warning being my fave of the early albums. This was a really enjoyable episode, you and Mark did a fine job of digging into those cool rhythm parts and arrangements that are all over the album! I take your point about Ed playing what he felt, similar to when he jammed live, but I also think his tone and vocabulary were a natural continuation of where he was at for the 1984 record. For that tour Sammy played the solo on "Love Walks In," as on the "Live Without A Net" concert which I wore out on VHS and now have on DVD. Ed's playing on that concert is incredible, although I read he thought some of the other nights of the tour were better. Thanks for putting the podcast together, I've enjoyed every episode.