rob s.
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rob s. became friends with Michael R.

rob s. posted a comment on the song HOT RATS LIVE!
great news, thanks......Read more

rob s. posted a comment on the song WARTS AND ALL
thanks!......Read more

rob s. liked the video WATERMELON IN EASTER HAY (1ST TIME LIVE)

rob s. liked the comment on T-Shirt Songs!
Hi Spencer,
It sounds like you're afflicted with the dreaded HTFS - High Tolerance For Solos! LOL! I'm glad you're enjoying the track(s). I'm constantly adding new tracks to the website so I'll look for some extended solo......Read more

rob s. liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL (LIVE CONCERT)
Just ordered my bundle. I can’t wait for it to be released!......Read more

rob s. posted a comment on the song MINI-CONCERT # 2 (INCA)
it's working . thanks
......Read more

rob s. liked the comment on MINI-CONCERT # 2 (INCA)
Hi Rob,
I'm looking into that for you. Will check back with you ASAP. Best, DZ......Read more