Audio Documentary Questions part 2
Audio Documentary Questions part 2

Hello Everyone,
I've just posted Audio Documentary EP - 8 "Live In The Moment (Part One)" and next week I'll post part 2. In the mean time, feel free to submit some questions for upcoming episodes about:
Dweezil Zappa Return Of The Son Of
FOH III Out Of Obscurity
You can also offer suggestions for future topics as well.
Best, DZ
Dweezil: In thinking about new questions, one did pop into my head watching the latest " Live In The Moment II " show: Years ago, you used a set of Red Bear Guitar Picks. Since you have been disclosing some of the gear used in previous DZ tours, could you talk about those picks ( how they help with your picking, sound, playing Frank's parts on guitars, etc. )? Thanks!
1.) What kinds of modifications do you perform with overseas electrical requirements? Do you have voltage transformers for those shows, etc. ? Does it alter the tone coming out of the amps/monitors?
2.) Your dad once said that the European audiences seemed to enjoy the more instrumental music compared to his more vocal oriented pieces. Would you say that mentality is still the same way based on your own tours?
3.) Ever run out of music at one of your shows to the point where you have to improvise something for an unexpected encore?
4.) Ever had an air force call come through a wireless unit to an amp ( via Nigel Tufnel from Spinal Tap )?
One topic I'd like to hear more about is touring expenses ( how you pay for a bus/trailer, insurance rates-who covers this-for people and instruments, how you deal with Unions for recordings, etc ). I'm aiming to get back into live concert playing and I'm looking into the reality of having to pay extra costs as more folks/musicians come out during this time of the pandemic.