Brand New Stuff For You!
Brand New Stuff For You!

Hello Everyone!
I hope you're all having a great Memorial Day Weekend. I've been doing some site improvements and soon I will finish uploading some new songs for all of the Silver Subscribers.
I've also got t-shirts on the way that correspond to some of the new songs that I'm adding to the subscription. For example: "Outside Now" (performed live) goes with the t-shirt options below. They will be available this week!
I've also started a new interview series with one of our community members. Shawn Ratches (Laughing Monkey Music) reached out to me about doing audio documentaries about my own albums and music. We initially did an interview that discussed a broader range of topics which you can see below.
The new series of audio documentaries will be in a similar laid-back and conversational style. Thanks to Shawn for making the suggestion and for helping to make content for the community here!
Be well, everyone! DZ
P.S. Sorry for the email notification glitch with this blog!