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Brad C.


Love the podcast. It’s great to keep the EVH talk going after his death.

Do you think the panning the guitar to one side on VH I is a good thing, bad thing or indifferent. I don’t recall hearing other bands of the era doing that.


kepp up the great work.

Vegetable, (Call Any?)

Heya Mr D. Z!
Am unsure if I have access, and guessing that I don't because I am not recognizing "RWTD", and what it means. Sorry so disconnected... Memory's not always there for many things randomly. :(


Hey Jim, RWTD stands for Runnin' With The Dweezil (podcast). The live stream today is exclusive for the folks who have purchased the podcast. I'll be doing some other live event stuff for my site soon too.

Scott U.

When you were showing Ed how to play St Alphonso’s and he just shook his head and said something along the lines of I could not play that, do you think it was because he couldn’t grasp it harmonically?  Physically you’d think he could likely play it if he invested the time, which perhaps he didn’t have.

Michael Doherty

Hey Dweezil,


Here are some potential questions for today's Q&A! 


Can't wait to attend the listening party. 


1. How many times have you seen Van Halen live? Which shows stand out the most to you?  


2. During episode 10, you mention Edward inviting you to perform on stage with him. Can you place yourself back in that moment? What song(s) did you perform together? What was that experience like for you? 


2.1 To expand on that question, one of my favorite songs is you and your father performing Sharleena together. What is it like to perform a duel guitar solo with someone like your father, Edward, Steve Vai, or any musician of that caliber? To me, all of you are guitar gods! So I am trying to see it from your perspective. Were these moments an overwhelming challenge or more of an enjoyable expression for you? Does sharing a solo feel as casual as having a conversation? From my outside observation it almost would seem that having a deeper understanding of music theory helps musicians have a more meaningful discourse. During moments like Sharleena a dialogue can start to happen. A real conversation being held between the players. How natural is it passing the solos back and forth? Do you try to serve something up for the person you are playing with? I know I have asked a lot of questions here but I am really interested in what this experience is like! 


Thank you Dweezil! 

Uncle Remus

Will we be able to access the listening party later? 


Yes you will! I'll make sure all of the RWTD community knows how to access the archived event.

Uncle Remus

Still no access. Silver plan not included?


Hi Uncle Remus,

The RWTD podcast is separate from the Silver Subscription. I do plan to release some excerpted RWTD content for the community at some point soon, just to give people an idea of what the podcast is like.

Buddy Seamus

Question for is EVH related but please excuse me if this is too personal.

With all those wonderful experiences you had with Edward when you were a child, it obviously influenced you in a big way. Conversely do you think those experiences influenced him? Did that impact Ed and Val’s desire to have a family of their own? Have you spent time or reached out to Wolfgang?  

One other thing....Ed was the first person to reach out to you after your father passed. Just a few days later there was a ceremony at the RockWalk for Jimmy Page which you and Ed attended (along with a whole bunch of legends). In the footage available on YouTube you can clearly see Edward has his laser-like attention on you and he NEVER leaves your side. With all the pomp and ceremony going on he was only there for you in that moment. To an outside observer it is a beautiful nurturing thing to see. 

Ibon Guillermo C.

Hi ,

How does that Carstens Cab sound with the Grace amp? 


It sounds killer! It's made like the cab EVH used on VH 1. JBLs in the top and Celestions on the bottom.

Einar F.

I was born in 1970 &, in my early teens, was listening to Van Halen on my Walkman while delivering newspapers, riding BMX bikes, & playing baseball.  It was practically right from little-league that I headed into learning guitar.  Knowing/hearing that you had a little-league game the day after EVH came to your house, put me in first-person perspective for a second when I heard that.  That must have been CRAZY levels, upon CrAzY levels, of sustained adrenaline!!

So, I just have a couple of questions but I'd love to hear more of your detailed perspectives...can't hear 'em enough...

1)  During that visit, at your house with your Dad, Steve Vai, and Edward with his purple guitar, how did you actually harness your excitement enough to focus on any of it?

2)  (Knowing that most of us will never know what it was like to visit 5150...)  What was it physically like to visit 5150...actual sights, sounds, etc...  Was it overwhelming?  

I am now realizing that I was about to ask Dweezil Zappa what Van Halen music smelled like.    Good form on my part, good form.  

Thank you so much for everything you're doing!!
Einar (Billy) 

Michael Doherty

So psyched to tune in for this Dweezil! My alarm is set! 

John F.

Track 13, Yo Mama on "Dweezil Zappa F.O.H." is cut short. Can you please upload the full version so I can buy it?  The EVH stuff is real cool, however, please don't forget to post more of your live music archives.  Hope all is well.


I'll definitely fix that ASAP! Thanks.

David " DMC " McCain

Way cool!

I presume the questions are more geared toward the podcasts themselves so here are a few and I don't have a specific preference on which ones are used: 


1.) Has going back to hearing these VH tunes got you back into relearning the VH tunes/Licks? 

2.) Which of these shows are your favorite ( I have a feeling it's the Blues Saraceno ones-haha )?

3.) If you could revisit the times with Edward ( say, travel back to 1986 ) with what you now know about his music, what would you say to him ( I was in a " Back To The Future " mindset with this question )?

4.) Do you foresee yourself doing a series on your father similar to this series on Edward? 

5.) Out of the guitars you ( may have ) played from Edward's collection ( that you do NOT own ), which was your favorite guitar, in terms of tone/playability? 

6.) Top three favorite Edward solos? 

7.) Outside of yourself, could you name one player who comes somewhat CLOSE to sounding like Edward?

8.)  When you play samples of VH's music for these shows, how do you get permission for that? This is probably more of a difficult question to answer but I'm asking because I'm wanting to use prerecorded music ( from other artists ) for some future videos of my own and I'd like to know where to go/who to contact for proper copyright usage ( if possible ).

9.)  Outside of the Premier Guitar site, are there other ways of sharing your podcasts from this site to other social media? 

10.)  This is probably a question for the later podcasts but, I read in 2003 ( via a Guitar World magazine news story ) that you were quoted as saying that you had heard a then " new " Van Halen album with Roth and Anthony. Anything come of this? 


Hope this helps. Looking forward to tomorrow. Be well and thanks again for you outstanding work! 



Robert G.

what's the date on that photo Dweezil?


That photo is only a few days old!