The Torture Never Stops - THREESOME
The Torture Never Stops - THREESOME

Happy Halloween!
Hello Everyone,
I hope you're all doing well and finding a way to enjoy Halloween this year. I've got a little story to share with you. While I was working on the Torture Never Stops (Threesome) I was thinking about the kind of text art needed for the project. I noticed that Michael Doherty, one of our community members, was starting his own art/design business. I took a look at his website ( and decided to reach out and see if he would like to design the text art for the release. When he got back to me he shared some stories about how he got into my dad's music and mine as well. I'd like to share with you what he wrote.
"During quarantine, I became an avid listener of Dweezil and Frank Zappa. Learning about Zappa’s music has helped me a lot during the pandemic. Music can provide listeners with support. Listeners can provide fellow fans with support through the communities they create. I wanted to return that energy in my work to honor the Zappa family, band members, crews, and fans in this community.
I will never forget the day that Dweezil Zappa first contacted me. That morning in class, I had presented my idea for a non-related Zappa project. I explained my plan to screen print a poster of a St. Louis Walk Of Fame Star remixed to recognize Ike Willis! Later in the afternoon, my used copy of The Real Frank Zappa Book arrived in the mail. That night I received the message from Dweezil!
I was so thrilled that I stayed up until two in the morning.
I immediately started developing a concept for the design and drew my sketches in a notebook. During the digital process, I used various brushes to build a surface for the text to rest on. I also added brush textures within the text to create a burnt or worn feeling. My focus on adding texture was to visually communicate an excruciating dungeon experience. For color, I chose orange, yellow, and purple to create a bright Halloween vibe. It was a great experience designing this for Dweezil and I hope all of the fans enjoy the art!"
- Michael Doherty
Thank you, Michael! Also Happy Belated Birthday!
It's nice to have a community here and I appreciate everyone for being members. Enjoy your Halloween!
The Torture Never Stops (Threesome) is in the upload process. Track one is live right now!
Torture got my mind going to Thing-Fish. Frank had some fun with it in 88, broadway the hard way. I realize much of the lyrics are unsuitable for today’s lack of understanding of satire, excessive political correctness, and general stuffiness. However, i was wondering would you ever consider a Thing-Fish themed tour?