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Mr. Jeff

Mr. Jeff liked the comment on Havin' A Bad Day

I have this album on vinyl. It's  still in great shape, but I would really love to have this in my digital library. Would you consider uploading the entire album?......Read more
Mr. Jeff

Mr. Jeff liked the profile status Working on Runnin' With The Dweezil Ep. 2 (Part 2 with Steve Vai) and my dog...

Working on Runnin' With The Dweezil Ep. 2 (Part 2 with Steve Vai) and my dog Rollo is sitting on the same chair with me. Comment
Mr. Jeff

Mr. Jeff became friends with Dweezil

Mr. Jeff

Mr. Jeff liked the comment on You can't do that on Stage

Hi Kevcaf, Those shows are supposed to be available via All the mixes were finished many years ago. When they were ready for delivery they were blocked by the zft. I'm not sure when that will be resolved. What......Read more
Mr. Jeff

Mr. Jeff posted a comment on the blog post You can't do that on Stage

Seattle for me. Went with my dad. I made us late and the lady who walked in front of me going in the door ended up winning the guitar. My dad still won't let me be over it. Hopefully someday this can be resolved. Lots of......Read more
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